
Monday, November 24, 2008

The Great Handwoven Towel Exchange of 2008

At the exchange meeting, I started out with the best of intentions to photograph the event all the way through. But, I got distracted by all the beautiful towels and didn't get good pictures of most of them. However, I did come home with six wonderful towels myself, so I'm rounding out the photos of the exchange with close up pictures of those I chose. Most people -- maybe all of us, didn't weave all the same towel for the exchange, so we were all like kids in the candy store with more choices than we had towels to exchange

Detail of one of Gus' towels.

Close up of Marcy's Green M's & W's Towel -- Four Shafts

Gus holding up one of Dee's towels. The draft came from Handwoven Issue 141 pg. 56.

One of JoAnn's towels in peach and aqua - four shafts.

JoAnn holding up one of Diana's towels in a color and weave design. Four shafts.

A detail of one of Ingrid's huck lace towels.

Gus holding up one of JoAnn's towels.

Gus examining one of Dee's towels.

A detail of one of Diana's towels -- four shaft huck.

Marcy picking one of my towels. 20 shaft twill.

A striped towel woven with mercerized cotton by Marcy. Four shafts
For the napkin exchange in May I may solicit several photographers to get the job done right!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A clean well lighted place for weavers

Weavers need friends -- maybe more than other artisans. We work alone for the most part and what we do is fraught with problems. Often we have as many failures as we do successes. For several years, a group of weavers in my area have been meeting on a monthly basis to share our mutual joy and frustrations.

I've had this empty blog for years, having signed up so that I could post to other people's blogs. It occurred to me that it would be a good place for our weaving group online meeting place. Several of our members can't come to meetings because they live too far away or work for a living. So, this blog is dedicated (for now) to an online meeting place for show and tell and updates on what we are doing.

Stay tuned for the November Towel Exchange. I've got some pictures, but want to be able to show a sample from everyone's offerings before I post.