
Saturday, May 30, 2020

Circles and Rectangles

My offering this month is based on Susan Poague’s “Circles and Checks Towels in Turned Taqueté” in the May/June 2019 issue of Handwoven. I used the yarns I had in my stash rather than those she suggested, but I did alternate blues and green as she does, with a neutral Birch color substituted for her Natural. The yarn is 8/2 unmercerized cotton, sett is  24 ppi. - Wendy-Marie T.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bobbin Storage Solution

These photos show the bobbin rack that Diana's husband made for her as a Christmas present. It actually took the coronavirus lockdown for him to get around to making it in April, but no problem, she has it now!

Diana designed the rack to fit on a shelf (shelf space is very scarce due to an overabundant stash of yarn). It is made of 1” thick pine 11” x 12” and holds 90 ¼” dowels 1 ¼” apart. Photo A shows the board drilled with 90 holes. Photo B is Joe inserting, gluing, and tapping the dowels in with a rubber mallet. Photo C shows the completed rack, and D is the rack loaded with bobbins.


Diana no longer has a basket of bobbins all tangled up, and she can easily see if she has a bobbin already loaded with a yarn she needs.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sue Habbeger

This week, Not 2 Square lost one of our former members, Sue Habbeger.  Sue graduated from Chico State, having studied weaving while she was there.  Later she moved to Española, New Mexico and studied the Chimayo style of weaving.  She built her own loom and did a lot of tapestry type weaving.  She was a talented potter and weaver and won many awards for her beautiful work.  She was actively engaged in progressive causes and was particularly passionate about protecting the environment.

She will be missed by her family, friends and the weaving community in Nevada County. 

A retrospective of her work can be viewed at this link: .
