Last month you saw this on the loom. Gus is modeling her latest creation which you may remember was a handpainted chenille warp in a color gradation from dark to light. She used a couple of yarns in the weft; aqua cotton and an aqua rayon. Gus wanted to use both wefts at the same time, but finally had to resort to two shuttles thrown one after the other because the rayon didn't behave very well!
Sue Habegger brought in her finished yardage for a jacket. She ordered Navajo Churro yarn in charcoal to go with odds and ends of colored wool she had on hand for this fantastic piece of plaid yardage. The material for the sleeves is not plaid but stripes because of the logistics of plaid matching. She may even cut them on the bias which would be very interesting.
Lovely shawl!