
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Marcy's towels - with a few variations on the same threading

 Marcy shared a series of towels she has been weaving by tying on to her existing warp with new colors.  The original towel design is in Handwoven Collection #3, if you happen to have it and the towels are on the back cover.  Marcy didn't make plaid towels, however and used the stripe sequence three times across the warp and she added one of the neutral color stripes on each side to balance the design.

The towel below was woven on the first warp and the draft for this towel is directly below.

Broken twill
On the second warp, Marcy started using a different treadling sequence - and of course, new colors in her warp stripes.

And, the third warp with yet another color way. Using the draft directly above.  This gives a very textured finish to the towel which will be perfect for absorbency. 
But, we can't stop there.  Here are two more treadling variations to be tried with this versatile four shaft threading.
A tromp as writ version
treadled rosepath version

Thursday, September 10, 2015

...And Last But Not Least....

We finally get to the last two members to submit entries at the Nevada County Fair this year.  We have so many talented Not2S members.  Eileen is a newer member but has been a talented fiber artist for many years.  

The first shawl was entered into the Nevada County Inspiration.  The painted warp and plain weave structure really bring out the lovely colors of our county. 

The next two shawls also really show some beautiful color.  The multicolored shawl was woven with one skein of Vice yarn, a 80/20 merino/nylon blend.  The second is a beautiful plaid, slightly fulled.

Eileen's Shawl

Eileen's Plaid Shawl

Eileen also entered a plaid towel, a bag and a table covering.
Eileen's Towel

Eileen's Woven Bag
Eileen's Table Covering


Eileen entered a skein of hand spun wool.

This colorful sweater was knit with handspun yarn.


Eileen's Sweater

Eileen's Sweater - Back

Our last weaver is Ingrid.  She and Marcy have a friendly rivalry each year to see who can do better in the baby blanket category. Here's Ingrid's entry for this year as well as a lap robe.  Both were woven with a mixed cotton warp using plain weave.
Ingrid's Baby Blanket

Ingrid's Lap Robe

Ingrid submitted several scarves.  This one was for the Nevada County Inspiration category.  Her inspiration was our friend and mentor Dee.  Most of the yarn and ribbon Ingrid used were Dee's and she wove the scarf using one of Dee's designs - plain weave edges with a ribbon supplementary warp and twill center. 

Dee Inspired Scarf
Dee Inspired scarf - Detail

The other two towels - one using a turned twill on 8 shafts (in pink) and the other plain weave using sock yarn. 
Ingrid's Pink Scarf

Ingrid's Red Scarf

Ingrid also entered two towels.  These are 100% cotton woven in a twill pattern.

Ingrid's Towel

Ingrid's Other Towel

Finally, Ingrid submitted a shawl woven from local alpaca yarn, woven in a point twill design. 

So that's it for another Fair year, but there will be more updates on the Not 2 Squares before then.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Another Two Sets of Entries

Igor and Mardi are the next Not2S members to be showcased for their Nevada County Fair entries. 

Igor entered two scarves in the Nevada County Inspiration Division.  The blue scarf, inspired by a local lizard was described on a previous blog post: 

The second was woven with our friend Dee as inspiration.  This reporter doesn't have all of the details, but I think it is woven in a false damask pattern that we saw last year as lap robes and towels:

Igor's Lizard Inspired Scarf 

Scarf with Inspiration Picture

Igor's Dee Inspired Scarf
Mardi entered several woven items, one with handspun and three skeins of handspun yarn. 

The table runner was started as part of a class with Rosalie Neilson at CNCH this year.  Mardi's first scarf was woven with a Log Cabin color and weave effect using a wool/metallic yarn. 

Mardi's Rep Weave Runner

Mardi's Log Cabin Scarf
Mardi won best of Division for a scarf made from handspun yarn.  This scarf was woven with yarn that was spun from an art bat prepared by local artist Sierra Mohr.  It was woven in plain weave with a beaded fringe.

Mardi's Scarf made with handspun yarn

Mardi's scarf - detail

Mardi has been experimenting with towels - different structures and colors.  This vibrant towel beings all of these elements together.  I think it is an M & O pattern.

Mardi's Towel

Mardi's Towel - detail

Mardi also entered three skeins of handspun yarn. 

Mardi's Yarn - Gray Singles - Medium Wool

Mardi's Yarn - Wool & Silk

Mardi's Yarn - Polwarth Top


It is great to see all of the different things that our members have created - all very different.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Additional Fair Results

Here are more Nevada County fair entries.  The previous post had information about Wendy-Marie's Ferris Wheel scarf.  In addition she entered a bag and Mobius shawl and contributed to two collaboration bags made from bands.  She also submitted a rug. 
The bag was made from a tapestry piece by Wendy-Marie.  She used yardage from Beryl - both handwoven and commercially made (the lining is recycled from a kimono) and a kumihimo band. 
Bag with materials from various sources
Collaboration Bag I
Collaboration Bag II
Wendy-Marie was the guiding force behind three bags made mostly from back-strap or other woven bands.  She sewed the blue/green one on the right.
Ferris Wheel Scarf
Mobius Shawl
The Mobius shawl was woven using rayon chenille for warp and weft and ribbon in a plain weave pattern.  Once woven, it a seam was sewn to attach the ends. 

Wendy-Marie's last piece is a rug.  She wove this as part of a class with Jason Collingwood.  It's a first place winner.

Wendy-Marie's Rug
Marcy added several piece in the Fair as well. She had a baby blanket, two towels and a scarf.
The blanket was a mix warp.  There was a little boucle sparkle that gives it a little shine.  She also entered a scarf that is woven in a twill design in wool.

Marcy's Baby Blanket

Marcy's Scarf
Marcy's Towel I

Marcy's Towel II

Marcy's Towel II - detail  
The two towels were woven on the same warp, just using different weft colors. 
There are more entries that we will be posting, so stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Weaving Wheels

 Wendy-Marie had a great idea for her Nevada County Inspired entry into this year's fair.  Wheels of many sorts and sizes.  Engine Wheels - Wagon Wheels - Pelton Wheels and Ferris Wheels. 

She also had the perfect draft - an 8 shaft combination of steep and point twills. Shown below are two variations.  This is an easy draft to make larger if you have more than 8 shafts on your loom. 

And, ta da, the finished scarf.  Wendy-Marie didn't get a prize for her scarf, but her idea was sure a prize winner and I bet it won't be the last time she weaves wheels!