Wendy-Marie offered a rep weave table runner, using Rosalie
Neilson’s pattern in the the May/June 2017 issue of Handwoven. The warp is 3/2 cotton sett at 30 epi. The weft
alternates 3/2 cotton for the thin pick with 8/16 mop yarn tripled for the
thick pick. The runner is finished with four rows of Cavandoli knots. Having
studied Rosalie’s DVD course on rep weave, she believes the draft in Handwoven has some errors –that shaft 4
should be paired with shaft 8, and shaft 3 should always pair with shaft 7.
The same issue of Handwoven had a design by Deanna Deeds called “Gumdrop Scarf.” Wendy-Marie used this pattern to produce her Nevada County Inspired entry, a “Farmer’s Market Scarf.” The warp is tencel, sett at 24 epi at the two ends, and changed to 16 epi for the body of the scarf using Beryl and Igor’s variable reed. The reed is 12 epi, but the top comes off so that the weaver can rearrange the warp. This reed allowed for a more even distribution of the warp once the edging was completed. The scarf is finished with Danish Medallions. Diverging a bit from the pattern, Wendy-Marie used bambu for the weft, which helped make the scarf softer and drapier.
Her dishcloths are based on the “Herringbone Twill Towels”
by Linda Gettmann, from the Sept/Oct 2014 issue of Handwoven. Where would we be without that magazine? Yarn is mostly
8/2 cotton, with a smattering of tencel and 5/2 cotton used for color. The sett
is 20 epi.
Congratulations. Very beautiful project most excellent workmanship. Very deserving of the recognition and awards