
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Bengala Mud Dye Project


 Diana A. shared her Bengala Mud Dye Project with the Not 2 Square weavers at our monthly Zoom meeting.

She wound off 9 skeins of 8/2 cotton and 9 skeins of 8/2 bamboo in the 9 colors included in the Bengala Dye Kit, for a total of 18 skeins which are each about 300 yards.  She used the pre-fixer included with the dyes on the skeins before they were dyed.

 Diana says that the yarns that appear blue in the photo, are actually shades of gray.  This shows up better in the next photo of the yarns wound into balls and onto cones.

Diana learned several things from her dye project.

1. Make sure the pre-fixer saturates all parts of the yarn.

2. Use enough dye to get the color you want.

3. Cotton absorbs the dye better than bamboo.  Silk hardly absorbs any dye.  See the photo of the silk scarf she dyed using resist methods described on the Loop of the Loom site.

Diana has plans for some possible weaving projects using her newly dyed yarns.

A set of 6 random-striped napkins from the cotton yarns, using a neutral weft.  From the bamboo yarns, she has in mind a striped warp and a commercially dyed weft.

We hope Diana shares her projects with us at future meetings so that we can add them to this post.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such important information about Weaver's. Keep posting.
