Resuming where we left off in the August show and tell, is Dee's bag on the left woven with sari silk yarn. She knitted a closure and lined the bag with bright red material from an antique kimono. On the right is a bag entered by Sue H. which matches the vest later on in the post. Sue's bag is made of felted handwoven wools.

A blue ribbon winner if there ever was one, Dee's unlined wool jacket is trimmed with a crochet edging.

Dee found the perfect use for some novelty chenille like yarn. She used it in every other weft pick for this stunning shawl woven with wool and silk. Also note that she left the red warp threads loose and twisted the navy ends for something out of the ordinary. Rachel, from Shawls Unlimited, named this one Azadi
Here is another blue ribbon winner by Dee that was only on the Shawls Unlimited site for a few days before it disappeared! No wonder -- lovely wool spiced up with novelty ribbon yarns and a generous size made it easy to sell.

Here we have Sue H's vest that goes with the purse pictured earlier in the post. Sue fulled the fabric for this vest a bit more than she had intended and couldn't think of what to make from the yardage. But, she came up with this terrific looking vest. The binding is knitted with the same yarns used in the handwoven fabric, but naturally not fulled. Look for details in the construction of this vest in future post.

These eye catching towels were woven by Sue H. all on the same warp. This vibrant collection would make any kitchen come alive.

Back (left) and front (right) of Sue H's prize winning top. Each of the details in this top are repeated in another location, tying the whole together into a fabulous piece. The sleeve decoration which can just be seen in the right photo, has the same weft striping as the center panel. On the back, you see triangular detailing, which is repeated in the gusset under the arms.
Needless to say, the judge at the fair was very impressed with this garment.
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