The February meeting was at Marcy's home and her show and tell was on the loom. She is weaving towels in a point twill design and using a different color weft for each towel. Marcy likes the towel with the light blue weft the best so far, but it is already on the cloth beam, so we will have to wait until a later date to photograph it.

Sue R. recently attended a knotted pile workshop and her sampler will turn into a small purse. Here it is with the knotted pile flower and a weft faced weave for the back of the purse. She is card weaving a matching strap. Can't wait to see the finished piece.

Diana brought her woven wool pieces that are destined to become a ruana. The pieces had to be exactly the same length and are hem stitched on each end with fringe. She measured each step along the way and also counted the number of motifs to get her handwoven pieces exactly right. The pattern is a two block waffle weave design from
A Weaver's Book of 8-Shaft Patterns. For those of you who have the book, the draft is #519.

In this picture you can see the brighter border on the bottom of the piece. There is also a brighter stripe on the sleeve edges. Diana dyed the yarns for the ruana and is going to weave an inkle band for the front and neck edges. Stay tuned for more pictures of the finished garment.
There is lots more to show from the meeting. I'll put up a post every couple of days, so check back frequently.
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