Dee brought three (yes three) new shawls to the meeting. I am simply amazed at her loom output. And, Dee also knits up a storm, does design work for Mountain Colors and finds time for designing and making art quilts. Whata woman!
First up is a purple shawl with mixed warp and a subtle diamond design. The weft is an interesting wool/rayon mixture. The wool dyed purple (Dee also dyes), but the rayon naturally stayed white in the acid dye bath. The shawl has a sparkle to it because of this.
Next are the Blues. This would be a great wardrobe addition to someone who lives in blue jeans and can't be bothered with dressing up. This is woven with yarns of cotton, rayon and bamboo.
And the last shawl is another mixed warp and woven in a two block twill design, except that the blocks are only treadled once. This makes for a texture design, rather than a block design.

Modeled here by Gus
Close up of the fabric.
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